

is Japan's No.1 English magazine, founded in
1994 and published for Japan’s international community.
It is the only English-language publication in Japan that
distributes up to 30,000 copies per printed issue.
In its last issue, they have a reference to Butterfly Chronicles'
chapter #1.


Forum Fantástico

João Mascarenhas, the author of Butterfly Chronicles will be at Forum Fantástico, on sunday 17 November at Biblioteca Orlando Ribeiro, Telheiras, Lisbon, along with some friends (Filipe Melo, Dog Mendonza, Pizza Boy, Juan Cavia, João Miguel Lameiras, Ricardo Venâncio).

17h00 – Banda-Desenhada: Dog Mendonça e Pizzaboy 3 – Ed. Tinta da China (com Filipe Melo, Juan Cavia e Santiago Villa), Butterfly Chronicles – Ed. Qualalbatroz (com João Mascarenhas e Marc Parchow), e Hanuram, O Dourado (com Ricardo Venâncio), moderado por João Lameiras


Japanese and English

We are giving away a free manga e-book by Portuguese author J. Mascarenhas. It’s the first of ten chronicles avaliable in English, Portuguese and Japanese. Get your FREE copy here at http://www.qualalbatroz.pt/qualoja